Computer Auto Correct Prank

This is a guest prank from Theo.

If visiting a friends house or similar to do homework on a PC, this is a great little prank that is reversable and can be very, very funny.

Check which kind of computer they have, If it is windows XP or newer, then you’re in luck! Try getting them to go on microsoft word, but don’t make it seem like you are too eager or else they will suspect something. When on microsoft word, wait for them to go to the toilet or something.

Auto Correct computer Prank












Auto Correct Prank Setup

quickly misspell a word. If it is underlined in zig-zag red, right click and select AutoCorrect. Ignore the suggestions and click AutoCorrect Options. Here it will show a window.Find the check box where it says ‘Replace text as you type’. Make sure
it is checked.In the text boxes right underneath, labelled ‘Replace:’
and ‘With:
In the replace box, type in a word they are bound to type.The victim’s name works very well. (e.g. ‘Bob’ leaves the room. I get up AutoCorrect, and set it up to replace the word ‘bob’ (no capitals) with ‘assface’.
When ‘Bob’ types in his name, it will automatically be replaced with ‘assface’.go back to AutoCorrect
Optionsfind the command that says ‘replace ‘bob’ with ‘assface’ (it
will be saved in the scroll-down box at the bottom of the window.scroll down untill you find the command.) click on the command and
click delete (found at the bottom of the window also.)Tagged as: computer prank

View the original article here

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