funny dorm pranks

Funny College Dorm Prank

20 shredded newspapers, 50 shredded Styrofoam cups, popcorn, our trash for the day, and all the bottles from the recycling bin

Dorm prank or the world's largest water pong game

In Texas, it only snows indoors.

Interesting door, but a message board would have been sufficient.

Look at the bright side, you've got a great arts and crafts project ready to go.

My roommate went home for the weekend, so we made a little popcorn

Prank-it notes.

Screwing around with the RA's mind at SDSU

Stop laughing at me! It isn't funny!

This dorm prank looks like it took a lot of effort.

When your roomate won't stop leaving her entire wardrobe on your floor

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